Enjoy weekend evening guided meditation in Berlin Tempelhof or online

This summer is extreme in weather, regardless we like it or not. We need to get ourselves connected in body and mind, to unite the strength for a healthy energised period of time. 

Let's get together and meditate for well being of ourselves and all those we love.

Date & Time: 6 Aug 2022 (Saturday)

Time : 7:30pm (Berlin timezone)

Location : Tempelhof (450m from U Alt-Tempelhof)

*PM us for the precise address and the door bell.

For those who wish to join but not in local area, you are welcome to join online google meet via this link: https://meet.google.com/fth-bhgj-jcw

For online session, you are welcome to invite your friends to join as space is not limited. 

Looking forward to meeting and meditating and explore our inner richness together.

With respect,

Coral Sunone
